TAPS Gives Military and Veteran Survivors a Voice on Capitol HillTAPS works closely with the survivors it serves, members of Congress, state and local governments, and federal stakeholders.11 days ago
Legacies Live On at TAPSAshlynne carried forward her father’s legacy of service, and she learned that legislation impacting survivors needed critical attention.6 months ago
Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS)Veteran Supporters Urging: It’s Time to Apply for PACT Act BenefitsVeterans and survivors who wish to qualify for backdated benefits must submit their claims or intent to file by Aug. 9, 2023.
TAPS, VA urge veterans and survivors to seek earned PACT Act benefitsMore than 10 years ago, military-connected survivors began to speak out with their stories of loss as a result of exposure to toxins while deployed.18 months ago
Surviving Families Leading Relief Effort in Dnipro, UkraineCurrently, TAPS Ukraine is on the ground in Dnipro running the Coordination Headquarters of Dnipro, a space providing care for the Ukrainian Army, National Guard, National Police, and internally displaced persons (IDPs).2 years ago