Extreme Conditioning
With all the new extreme physical conditioning programs on the market now, some people are going a bit too far.

Your Military
Study finds taller, heavier female soldiers outperform smaller peers
The most essential tasks were performed better by taller, heavier female Army trainees and soldiers.

At 62, Marine veteran sets the Guinness record with 8-plus hour plank
62-year-old George Hood, who served as an officer in the Marine Corps, set the record for “longest time in an abdominal plank position (male)” with a time of 8 hours, 15 minutes, 15 seconds. Hood has 16 official attempts related to stationary cycling and planking with 13 world records.

Military Times leader tapped by White House to help create a healthier America
Senior leader of Sightline Media appointed to White House council on fitness and nutrition.

This July 4, remember: Fitness fuels freedom
Are you a tactical athlete? Are you a patriot? 'If you are deconditioned and dormant,' the author writes, 'you are neither.'

Beyond the basics: Here’s how troops can train like the tactical athletes they are
An Army officer's advice on moving beyond strength-building and toward true functional fitness.

Air Force officer one of 20 finishers in 200-mile winter bike race
Daniel Sweeney spent 51 hours biking on wintry, mountainous Idaho trails to become one of 20 finishers in a 200-mile bike race this January.

Deadlift 101: Expert advice on a core lift in the Army's fitness tests
We asked experts for their advice on getting more weight off the ground.

Pursuit of power: 9 training tips from elite lifters in uniform
Fitness resolution for 2018, or just want to get stronger? Learn some basics from these big lifters.

Move or die: Why speed matters, and how troops can get faster
Think your sprint is up to snuff? Take this test to find out.

Commentary: Units should tap sports trainers for fitness assist
An Army officer on how his ROTC unit improved its test scores, and all-around health, with a new civilian addition ... and how your unit should consider following suit.

And they're off! 7 things you should know before Marine Corps Marathon weekend
Last-minute advice for runners tackling "The People's Marathon."

Marine Corps Marathon prep: Advice for new runners, event history, videos and more
Hitting the streets of D.C. on Sunday? What you should know before the starting gun goes off.

Army Reservist, 9/11 responder to run 170-mile Grand Canyon event for veterans' charity
Why this officer is heading to the desert, plus his tips for aspiring long-distance runners.

Female Marines are rocking pullups on the new PFT
About 65 percent of all female Marines opted to do pullups.

Tougher PFT means fewer Marines earning top scores
The changes are meant to make first-class scores on the PFT a greater achievement for Marines.

Note to fitness test-takers: Pushups aren’t a volume business
Workout tips for boosting strength ... and your test scores.