Senators detail desired missile defense elements for Trump’s Iron DomeTwo senators introduced a bill that would authorize $19.5 billion for fiscal 2026 to build out Trump's "Iron Dome for America."By Jen Judson17 hours ago
Cocaine or pre-workout? Airman fights drug convictionAn airman's legal team is arguing the drug bust that tanked his military career may have been the result of a questionable workout supplement.By Hope Hodge Seck11 days ago
How Trump’s Air Force pick could elevate space prioritiesTroy Meink's specialization in space could upend the priorities of a service typically dominated by Air Force interests.By Courtney Albon3 weeks ago
Navy secretary names newest destroyer IntrepidThis marks the fifth time a Navy vessel has donned the Intrepid name, and the first since 1974, when the carrier Intrepid was decommissioned.By Riley Ceder5 weeks ago
MDA conducts first-ever ballistic missile intercept test from GuamIn a first from Guam, the Missile Defense Agency intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target off the coast using a Standard Missile-3 Block IIA.By Jen Judson9 weeks ago
Army eyes autonomous missile launcher and 1,000-kilometer strikesThe capabilities are still in the research stages but are showing promise.By Todd South2 months ago