Hegseth also called "Our diversity is our strength" the "single dumbest phrase in military history," and intends to end the military's DEI programs. The visit between Hegseth and the defense minister of Australia comes during a moment of uncertainty for U.S. allies. Marines and soldiers will prepare a detention center at Guantanamo to hold up to 30,000 migrants. While there, the defense secretary will likely announce hundreds of more troops who will join the military's expanded role in enforcing immigration. It marks the first attacks in the African nation during President Donald Trump’s second term. By Tara Copp, AP
2 weeks ago Without evidence, Trump blamed air traffic controllers, the helicopter pilots and Democratic policies at federal agencies for Wednesday night's collision. Increasing pay and benefits alone won't be enough to attract young people to the service, Army Secertary nominee Daniel Driscoll said. A new Defense Department task force will look for ways to further limit diversity and inclusion programs throughout military training and advancement. The former Joint Chiefs chairman had warned that Trump may seek revenge against him and other critics if re-elected to the White House. The new cadre of national security officials is highly confident, highly online and scornful of Washington’s foreign policy consensus. Load More