One week after deadly attack, Capitol Hill halls filled with National Guard troops instead of tourists and staffers
More than 6,000 guardsmen were on hand Wednesday as House lawmakers voted on a second impeachment vote against President Donald Trump.

Pentagon & Congress
Biden to visit Arlington Cemetery as part of inauguration ceremonies
The planned trip comes despite security concerns surrounding the inauguration.

No, the National Guard didn’t try to thwart a CIA plot to steal the election
National Guard officials deny a "ludicrous" theory that Guardsmen were involved in an election-related conspiracy.

Hundreds of military absentee ballots are likely on GOP’s list of alleged 'criminal voter fraud’ votes
"We knew our votes were legal and we had done nothing wrong, but our integrity was being challenged," Air Force wife said.

Pentagon differs on post-election Hatch Act rules
Civilian and servicemember Department of Defense employees may have to refrain from certain political behavior for longer than their colleagues at other agencies.

Here’s what military absentee voters need to know about Georgia’s US Senate runoff elections
Legal residents of Georgia can still register to vote in the runoff election set for Jan. 5.

Vets for Trump co-founder remains jailed on gun charges, claims he’s a ‘political prisoner’
Joshua Macias and Antonio LaMotta remain in jail after their arrest last week on gun charges in Philadelphia.

Biden landing team for Pentagon announced
Fifteen of the 23 individuals named on the landing team for the Pentagon are women

Biden’s transition team for veterans issues includes community advocates and former VA leaders
Meg Kabat, former National Director of VA’s Caregiver Support Program, will lead the effort.

VA transition work on hold as Trump disputes Biden election win
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said he does not think a delay in the handover of department information and resources will hurt veterans.

Biden elected president
The Democratic nominee and former vice president is set to become the country's next commander in chief.