Talk about lucky.

An 87-year-old man was driving in Owensboro, Kentucky, on Feb. 27, but lost control of his car, plunging into floodwaters along a stretch of highway, according to a Kentucky National Guard story.

But that’s not why he’s lucky.

Fortunately for the man, David Hamiliton, witnessing the plunge were two Kentucky National Guardsmen, Spcs. Casey Brandle and Justin Stinnett

“We were on our way to the armory when we noticed the car drive off the road and into the flood water,” recalled Brandle. “We stopped to see if anyone needed assistance, and we saw the car was sinking and someone on the inside trying to get out, so we jumped in to help.”

After the two soldiers made it to the vehicle, Stinnett applied his weight to the rear of the car to keep it from sinking too fast, while Brandle pulled Hamilton from the driver’s side window, according to the article.

Hamlton, who sustained no serious injuries, visited Brandle and Stinnet at the 206th Engineer Battalion on March 19 in Owensboro to thank the two soldiers.

“I might forget what happened that day, but I’ll never forget them,” said Hamilton. “They are heroes. And you don’t have to go to war to be a hero.”

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