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Military families overseas scrambling as U.S. dog travel rules change
Some airlines are no longer allowing dogs to be shipped on the same flight with their owners back to the states due to new U.S. CDC rules.
By Karen Jowers
One in five soldiers see sexual harassment, hardly any report it
None of the eight brigades reviewed included bullying or harassment questions on the surveys.
By Todd South
New analysis of Air Force suicides explores contributing factors
A comprehensive report of Air Force suicides in 2020 found dozens of trends and made 68 recommendations to help stop the problem.
VA sets new goal of housing 41,000 veterans in 2024
Veterans Affairs officials have set a goal to surpass the number of veterans they helped find permanent housing last year.
Vets, cops should teach firearm storage safety to troops, study finds
Fellow service members and veterans were also highly rated as credible educators.
Navy seeks to beef up suicide prevention funding in fiscal year 2025
The Navy's budget request beefs up a variety of mental health initiatives.
By Diana Stancy
BROKEN TRACK: How Army Times discovered high tank unit suicide rates
Army Times built its own database of military death records to investigate suicide in armor units.
By Davis Winkie
Man charged for posing as doctor to steal vet suicide prevention funds
A federal grand jury indicted a Massachusetts man for posing as a doctor to steal $50,000 in suicide prevention funds designed to help vets.
Wearable device helps predict heat illness during intense training
Researchers have measured more than 14,000 soldiers and Marines in recent years.
By Todd South
Troops are still waiting weeks for off-base mental health appointments
A new government watchdog report found troops waited more than two weeks for an urgent appointment off base.
No more late-night alcohol sales at AAFES stores, starting Jan. 1
The move aims to help curb the number of suicides among service members.
By Karen Jowers