Tech. Sgt. Vince Stokes, 141st Air Refueling Squadron book operator, walks through a KC-135R Stratotanker at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., May 6, 2021. (Master Sgt. Matt Hecht/Air National Guard)The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) transits the Gulf of Alaska, May 7, 2021, in support of flight operations above the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex and Gulf of Alaska during Exercise Northern Edge 2021 (NE21). (MC3 Brandon Richardson/Navy)Airmen assigned to the 88th Test and Evaluation Squadron pose for a photo in full Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear flight gear during a developmental test at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., April 21, 2021. The airmen participated in on-going testing of the new Uniform Integrated Protective Ensemble Air two-piece system. (Senior Airman Dwane R. Young/Air Force)Recruits with Papa Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion, execute ammo can lifts during physical training on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C., May 11, 2021. (Sgt. Dana Beesley/Marine Corps)The 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, U.S. Army Alaska, conduct a Joint Forcible Entry Operation into Allen Army Airfield during exercise Northern Edge 21. (Benjamin Wilson/Army)U.S. Navy Hull Maintenance Technician 3rd Class Sunday Morales III welds oxygen tank brackets for the amphibious transport dock USS Portland (LPD 27) medical clinic, April 26, 2021. (Sgt. Alexis Flores/Marine Corps)A B-2 Spirit stealth aircraft flies overhead during the Speed of Sound Airshow at Rosecrans Memorial Airport in St. Joseph, Mo., May 2, 2020. (Tech. Sgt. Patrick Evenson/Air National Guard)A recruit chief petty officer transitions to parade rest during drill practice inside a compartment of the USS Enterprise recruit barracks at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. (MC1 Camilo Fernan/Navy)Air Force Staff Sgt. Daniel Cabezas scans the horizon for landing lights and obstructions on the flightline at Aviano Air Base, Italy, May 7, 2021. (Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder/Air Force)An Army military working dog and its handler undergo certification tests April 15, 2021, in Stuttgart, Germany. (Yvonne Najera/Army)
'Ace in a day' is a rare distinction. Among the earliest American pilots to do so, Jim Swett was credited with seven victories amid a WWII turning point.