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UK joins US in Strait of Hormuz naval security mission
Britain said Monday that it would join a U.S.-led naval security mission in the Strait of Hormuz, where Iran’s seizure of merchant vessels has raised tensions with the West. Earlier, Iran’s foreign minister lambasted recent U.S. financial sanctions against him, calling the move a “failure” for diplomacy.
Trump, North Korea’s Kim back on for summit
After a week of hard-nosed negotiation, diplomatic gamesmanship and no shortage of theatrics, President Donald Trump has announced that the historic nuclear-weapons summit he had canceled with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is back on.
Deadly Skills Extra: The importance of tire pressure
If you're going to perform high-speed maneuvers, you've got to have the tire pressure to back you up. Retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson — author of 100 Deadly Skills — shows you how get your tires ready.
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