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SOCOM wants new helmet goggle mount and oxygen-generating device
The portable oxygen device would cut down the need for oxygen cylinders.
By Todd South
This program equipped the US military to take down drug traffickers
This commentary's author discusses how current debates about the military's role in stifling cartels bring to mind lesser-known stories from Afghanistan.
By Zita Ballinger Fletcher
Army doctor who abused JBLM soldiers sentenced to over 13 years
Maj. Michael Stockin previously pleaded guilty to abusive sexual contact and indecent viewing of male patients he treated at Madigan Army Medical Center.
Watchdog rebukes VA over failure to refund $110M in medical fees
The Office of Special Counsel said VA owes about $110 million to nearly 1 million veterans for voided medical co-pays.
Preparing for a PCS move with special needs family members
How military families can prepare for a PCS move with special needs family members.
By Dave Lubach