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Amid tough talk, Trump says he could be Iran’s ‘best friend’
President Donald Trump said Saturday that military action against Iran was still an option for its downing of an unmanned U.S. military aircraft, but amid heightened tensions he dangled the prospect of eventually becoming an unlikely “best friend” of America’s longtime Middle Eastern adversary.
US struck Iranian military computers this week
U.S. military cyber forces launched a strike against Iranian military computer systems on Thursday as President Donald Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional military strike in response to Iran’s downing of a U.S. surveillance drone, U.S. officials said Saturday.
Intel official: Cyber threat warnings ‘blinking red’
Warning lights about cyber threats to U.S. national security are “blinking red” and the digital attempts to undermine America are occurring daily, not just at election time, the nation’s top intelligence official said Friday.
Chinese hackers steal sensitive Navy program data
Cyberattacks sponsored by the Chinese government infiltrated a U.S. Navy contractor’s computers, allowing digital thieves to access sensitive data related to secret Navy projects on a submarine anti-ship missile.
Yes, a cyberattack could spur the president to launch a nuclear attack
The Nuclear Posture Review, officially revealed Friday, does not change when a president might order a nuclear strike in response to a non-nuclear attack. But it does provide more hypotheticals about the circumstances that might force the president’s hand.
US short of options to punish North Korea for serious cyberattack
The Trump administration vowed Tuesday that North Korea would be held accountable for a May cyberattack that affected 150 countries, but it didn’t say how, highlighting the difficulty of punishing a pariah nation already sanctioned to the hilt for its nuclear weapons program.
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