Bristol Palin's ex-fiancé, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer, wants to know why the world is so focused on her second out-of-wedlock pregnancy in the same week that saw multiple terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait.

"All ISIS/ISIL attacks and all overshadowed by the dog and pony show being put on here domestically by some politicians and mass media," the former Marine vet wrote on Facebook. "The news that feeds the 'inquiring mind want to know' is inconsequential compared to that which is truly relevant but lost on the back page. I urge you to go beyond what is spoon fed to you and see what is truly going on out there."

Not surprisingly, he made no mention of Palin by name or address the paternity of her child.

The couple called off their brief engagement just before the wedding was set to take place in May. She came forward with the news of her pregnancy Thursday evening.

A few hours after writing that message, he posted a selfie from a car, announcing he was headed off for a weekend vacation.

So that's that, then.

Within the past 24 hours there have been three terrorist style attacks across the world. There has been an incident at...

Posted by Dakota Meyer on Friday, June 26, 2015

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