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The 5 Americans who made history by earning the Victoria Cross
Since Queen Victoria instituted the Victoria Cross in 1856, five American-born men have received Britain’s highest military award for valor.
By Jon Guttman
SEAL who led workout with lacrosse players lacked credentials: report
The September 2024 workout was “unusually intense,” and resulted in 24 of the 61 participants developing rhabdomyolysis.
The real ‘Viper’: This Top Gun instructor notched a rare combat feat
Rear Adm. Kenneth W. “Pete” Pettigrew’s Vietnam success made him the only Top Gun instructor to put his training to practical use against an enemy plane.
By Jon Guttman
Sailor who once ‘came up short’ on ASVAB graduates as top recruit
Seaman Apprentice Jason Lorentz received the Military Excellence Award after completing the Future Sailor Prep Course and basic training.
By Riley Ceder
Mariner suing government for rape on USNS Carson City speaks out
A judge told Dominguez she must petition the Labor Department for worker’s comp. Her lawyers maintain that rape does not belong on a list of job risks.
By Hope Hodge Seck